TalkTalk broadband customers face £30/yr bill hike despite some saying they're on a fixed tariff – but you can leave penalty-free

You can cancel penalty-free as a result of the hikes

As the specifics of this price rise weren’t written into the terms and conditions you agreed to when signing up, you have the right to leave your contract penalty-free. You just need to tell TalkTalk within 30 days of receiving the notification about the increase by calling customer services on 0345 172 0088.

TalkTalk started notifying customers on 1 June, so for some, TODAY is the last day you can leave penalty-free – though based on reports we’ve seen many others were contacted later in June, so have longer to cancel. You can find the exact deadline that applies to you in the email or letter you received from TalkTalk.

But remember – there’s no point leaving in frustration if your current deal is still the cheapest out there. So check rival providers’ prices using our Broadband Unbundled tool, and remember other firms also increase prices from time to time. In the past few months we’ve seen increases from BT and EE, Sky, Virgin Media and Vodafone

Alternatively, if you’re willing to stay with TalkTalk, or have missed the 30 day deadline to leave penalty-free, you can try to haggle your bills down (and use the fact it’s increasing prices as haggling ammunition). See our Broadband Haggling guide for tips. 


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