Coronavirus ‘traffic light’ travel update due this week – what to expect

The Department for Travel (DfT) is expected to make the announcement this Wednesday (25 August) or Thursday (26 August) for those returning to England. While this has yet to be officially confirmed, until now the UK government has updated its traffic light system every three weeks – usually on a Wednesday or a Thursday with the changes typically coming into force the following Sunday or Monday.

We last had an announcement on Thursday 5 August with the changes, which saw France move back onto the Government’s standard ‘amber’ travel list, taking force from 4am on Sunday 8 August. Other changes announced saw Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvia, Romania and Norway added to the green list, Bahrain, India, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will be moved from the red to the amber list and Georgia, Mexico, La Reunion and Mayotte added to the red list.

The Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh governments can set their own separate rules but to date, they’ve maintained the same traffic light list as in England. will update this news story, as well as our Coronavirus Travel Rights guide, once more information has been announced.


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