Returning to Wales from abroad? You can pick your own PCR test provider from 21 September to save money

Travellers to Wales will be allowed to use any PCR provider on the UK Government’s website

Currently, those travelling to Wales from abroad are only allowed to use PCR tests booked through the Corporate Travel Management (CTM) portal. These tests are more expensive than can be found elsewhere at £68 each and £136 if you need both day two and day eight tests.

However, as of 21 September, travellers entering Wales from abroad will be allowed to use PCR tests from private providers listed on the UK Government’s website. These are cheaper than the current ones they have had to use, starting from around £20 for a day two test, and from around £86 for day two and day eight tests. You can still use the current travel tests after 21 September though, if you wish.

Those travelling to England and Northern Ireland from overseas can also use a private provider on the UK Government’s approved list. But those in Scotland have to use the one CTM portal – we’ve asked if it too will change its rules and we’ll update this story when we know more. 


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