Indian engineers warn of prolonged blackouts amid searing heatwave

Engineers in India have warned of the possibility of prolonged power outages in the north, where a heatwave has brought misery for millions of people.…

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Brutal heatwave cooks US south-west, an early sign of sizzling summer ahead

With the official start of summer still weeks away, a record-setting heatwave is cooking the south-western US, causing dangerous conditions far earlier than normal. More…

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World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target

Hundreds of the world’s leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) above preindustrial levels this century, blasting past internationally…

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Food, soil, water: how the extinction of insects would transform our planet

Cut an apple in half, and the white flesh reveals a cluster of black pips arranged in the shape of a star. It is a…

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Earth’s ‘vital signs’ worse than at any time in human history, scientists warn

Earth’s “vital signs” are worse than at any time in human history, an international team of scientists has warned, meaning life on the planet is…

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