Chinese network behind one of world’s ‘largest online scams’

More than 800,000 people in Europe and the US appear to have been duped into sharing card details and other sensitive personal data with a…

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It’s daylight e-robbery: how entrepreneurs feel powerless as their work is ripped off

After years of dealing with mental health issues, Kelly Robinson-Key found writing poetry helped her through the dark times. From there has emerged a cottage…

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AI will make scam emails look genuine, UK cybersecurity agency warns

Artificial intelligence will make it difficult to spot whether emails are genuine or sent by scammers and malicious actors, including messages that ask computer users…

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Ministers pressed by Labour over cyber-attack at Sellafield by foreign groups

Ministers are under pressure to explain the actions of the government and regulators over cybersecurity at Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site after a Guardian investigation…

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Etsy sellers offering fake ‘handmade’ products at ripoff prices, says Which?

Etsy bills itself as a marketplace for “unique and creative” goods but scrutiny of its product listings has revealed sellers peddling fake “handmade” products that…

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